October 17, 2005

The day spent working on this project was great. When we left we were filthy, exhausted, sore. I had straw and cement in my hair (which would explain the looks I got at the gas station when we ran in for a cold drink and a potty break – I was under the impression that I was merely filthy, I hadn’t realized my head looked like a nesting ground until I used the restroom). I’d inhaled about 3 pounds of straw dust. Patches of skin on my forearms burned. My back was beginning to tighten. It was fabulous! I loved it all.

I wish we could have returned on Sunday but our own yard needed attention if we hope to over-winter parts of the garden. I think about quitting my job often but now I can think about quitting my job and becoming a Merry Mudder. Perhaps we will reconsider that house building course offered by Seattle Central Community College.

To keep the muscles moving we were out of the house by 8:30 the mext morning and hoofed it to Madison Market for coffee and the Sunday paper. Did some shopping then headed to Safeway then home. The weather was blustery but we had on our rain gear.

Once home I hit the yard hard and whipped it into shape. Harvested all the potatoes, most of the carrots, pulled out all the tomato plants and picked what was salvagable, picked green beans, ran the weed whacker, distributed mounds of dirt, turned the compost heap and the straw bale garden bed, and sowed more seeds for arugula and carrots. If there is a dry patch next weekend we can get the second cold frame constructed. Today after work I will plant garlic.


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