April 14, 2008


Finally, the sun, the temps, the blue sky! For a whole day! But Sunday and today are cloudy again. Still, we saw our window of opportunity and jump through. We hopped a ferry to Southworth then drove a bit more to Belfair, WA to explore the Mary E. Theler Community Center & Wetlands Trails. The temperature was over 70, we hung out with barn swallows, blue herons, hawks, ducks, geese, red wing blackbirds, snakes, and all sorts of other flying critters as we walked the 3 miles of trails. I've included a handful of photos here. I hope wherever you are you can get outside!


  1. Anonymous10:37 PM

    The man who saved Theler from closing is running for State house. It almost closed after going broke and losing all its grant and employees. Randy Neatherlin saved it and rebuilt it with 1/6 the budget. He left the board after 2 years of hard work. The people who were fired attacked him in the press weakly and made his life hell. They had no books or budget for two years prior and all he had to work with was a 72 year old lady who answered the phones a few hours a day.
    You can contact him at randy@vote4randy.com Even if you don't support his political bid, you should email him and say thank you for all his incredible work. We would have lost it if it had not been for him

  2. Thank you for this info. I've been to Theler before and I will go again. I just love it. I will email Randy and thank him.
